Thursday, April 11, 2013

i am sooo tir- zzzzz

aaand I am back from fresh air, lovely high temperatures, blue skies, tanning, and (of course) venomous creatures... and OH BOY, am I tired.

School restarted with a bang. And by bang, I don't mean fireworks and a welcome back party. I mean something more along the lines of:
Oh, you just took an overnight flight from Arizona (which has a billion hour time difference)?
How about having a half a day of 'free time' (or homework time, as the case generally is), not being able to fall asleep (because your internal clock wants to be back in Arizona), and waking up at three in the morning to take the bus in to school?
Well maybe I exaggerated a little. But, in my defence, I still haven't caught up on sleep. (Which could also be the result of taking all week to write an essay, then, on the day before its due, deciding that what I had written sucked and it would be in my best interest to stay up until midnight re-writing.)
Some days, I wish I still home schooled.
But enough complaining! This week has absolutely sped by and the temperature in my dreary little state has risen so that I was able to bring out my sandals and put away those winter coats. Hallelujah! Spring has sprung!
P.S. Lizzie Bennet Diaries = best invention ever!!!! (actually Pride and Prejudice was the best... but these are pretty damn awesome too!) you are welcome: i just got you hooked.

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