Tuesday, August 13, 2013

i'm baaack!

Why hello again, my lovely readers! After five weeks of sweating like I have never sweat before, I have returned home to the land of summer humidity and thunderstorms. And yes, I did have an amazing time in Israel. Who would've thought that you can make such close friends with a group of 115 strangers in such a short amount of time? (Heck, I didn't even think I'd remember everyone's names by the end of the trip.) But I did. And all those awkward interactions and attempts at making small talk during the first week most definitely paid off because I do believe that this summer has been one of the best in my life.
  So. An edited version of my mom's post.
The Top Five Experiences to have in Israel with my peers
(in no particular order)
Five: Visiting the first ever Kibbutz, doing some trust building and bonding activities with the group of friends who I was paired with during the whole five weeks, and receiving the shirts of our movement after a special ceremony.
Four: Building a raft with a group of friends, sailing it across the Kinneret, getting caught by the wind and being towed to shore by a rescue boat, and playing Frisbee with a watermelon with the people rescuing us.
[photo taken by a staff person]
Three: Climbing Masada 3 hours before dawn while jet-lagged to see the sunrise over the Dead Sea. (And then climbing back down in what turned out to be approximately 124 degree weather.)
Two: Shopping in the Shuk and eating fresh fruits and veggies and other yummy things (and buying 'Israeli clothing' at a good price after haggling)
One:Spending time on kibbutzim, hikes, and at youth hostels chilling with and getting to know the group of new friends who became my family in just five weeks.
Overall, its been a wonderful summer... but I'm also happy to be home.

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